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Key concepts of english language and linguistics a coursebook for university students

Key concepts of english language and linguistics a coursebook for university students

di  picello
Pubblicato da libreria universitaria, 2018
ISBN:  9788833590493

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Key Concepts of English Language and Linguistics is specifically aimed at Italian students of Foreign Languages degree courses. The book intends to be an introductory text that covers the core topics featuring in English Studies and Linguistics and, at the same time, provides the information and concepts that will enable students to understand more detailed and advanced treatments of both disciplines, should they pursue the fields further. Key Concepts of English Language and Linguistics includes 10 chapters, each of which explores a different aspect peculiar to the English language. The first chapter offers a straightforward introduction to the history of the English language as well as an outline of linguistics within the framework of its main theoretical models. Then follow a series of chapters dealing with the major aspects of linguistic study, starting with English phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics. The second part of the textbook is devoted to central aspects such as language varieties, the global nature of English, English for Specific Purposes and Academic English.
Autore: picello
Editore: libreria universitaria
ISBN: 9788833590493
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 192
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018