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Uncle jack and the bear adventure a1.1

Uncle jack and the bear adventure a1.1

di  cadwallader
Pubblicato da eli, 2022
ISBN:  9788853635013

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Uncle Jack and the children were relaxing in their garden when there was a call from Berta Black, Uncle Jack's friend from Alaska. She was phoning about a bear problem. Berta Black had a simple plan to save the bears, but that was before some thieves arrived! Join Uncle Jack, Berta and the children on this action-packed adventure and learn something about sharing the world with animals on the way. Link to 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities Tags Caring about nature and the environment Adventures
Autore: cadwallader
Editore: eli
ISBN: 9788853635013
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: -
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022