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Economic and social development between security and sustainability

Economic and social development between security and sustainability

di  -
Pubblicato da esi edizioni scientifiche, 2023
ISBN:  9788849551792

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The modern literature shows voter apathy around the world. Trends give the idea of an unstoppable decline. Many Citizens, the most important stakeholders of a State, no longer feel represented. What is the leitmotif between the lack of public engagement, nation-state loyalty, sustainable economic processes, and security? What if the State's security can be directly supported, shaped and determined by citizen loyalty and the state's sustainability journey? The answers in this volume. With Adolfo Urso, current Minister of Business and Made in Italy and the other leaders in the field, Giacomo Chessa reveals the key critical aspects of linking security and sustainability. The volume is based on the conference contributions on "Economic and Social Development between Security and Sustainability" conceptualized and organized by Giacomo Chessa. Moreover, Giacomo Chessa shares his results of a quantitative analysis, supported by a mathematical model, comparing the Security Index and the Sustainable Development Goals United Nations Index in a total of 115 countries. Giacomo offers a new perspective. He provides the understanding to rethink the path of sustainability through the awareness of its true connections with security and public state engagement.
Autore: -
Editore: esi edizioni scientifiche
ISBN: 9788849551792
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 88
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023